assalalualaikum wr.wb
ok let's me introduce my self
my name is muhammad fadli
I'm 20 years old
I was born in west sumatra
I live in jln. kapuk raya.
I had elementary school at SDN 10 West Jakarta at 2004-2005,and junior high school in 120 North at 2006-2007Jakarta, before I continue my studies at junior high school graduation, I did not immediately go on to high school but I had quit a year for no cost. after I stopped for a new year I was able to continue my studies vocational high schools me in Lampung. and know I college student at Gunadarma University. My current activity is a member of the student members minang Gunadarma bond. other than that I was also a member of a motorcycle club called P2MC Lampung. I am very happy because I can organize environment saapalagi my friends can be a vice chairman of the organization. many things can I get from my organization. ranging from how to keep the mandate imposed on us, until I learned to be a responsible leader.I believed there as vice chairman. now I'm just a student studying at the University Gunadarma. it's just a series of stories from my everyday life, more or less I'm sorry if there are any of the words me. I do not have much expertise in anything but I wanted to learn to increase my knowledge.