Many people believe that college is not important but, If I think college is important because my goal is to add experience and provide a broad insight. Not only that, our college is also required to be active so that we will not be a student who just can not bare any of the existing mastered the course material and make sure if we follow the process that college class. Because college is not just to get a diploma course but in my college for mature self and mind, as well as the expansion of insight, so that later we are ready to face the working world. You can imagine if you enter the workforce later on you do not already have a skill whatsoever. Moreover, competition is increasingly tough world of work, coupled with the planners in the labor market aimed at improving the economy of ASEAN at the ASEAN level, the more weight our competition to enter the workforce. So of course it must be completely in attending campus.Not a few successful entrepreneurs who think that college is not important, but not for me personally because, as say above, the college's needs. It is NOT to get a college diploma. College is a discourse of self formation, maturation process of self, thoughts, and actions, as well as broadening.
So if for a college just to get a diploma, better consider it first. When the lecture, make sure we was really dapetin science and process in its class. Try to be active in the discussions there, dared to forward the presentation in front of the class. Dare to be the leader of a task, and so forth. In the world of work, only to eventually Be active workers 'known', and considered by the employer. This is also the end they are given more responsibility, it is believed to lead, promoted his position, which means, income (salary) would be definitely increased. Those who merely go into the office early, home late afternoon,College does not have to, but necessary. Do not make the cost as a reason not to lecture. There have been many stories of poor people who strive to eventually go to college. Scholarship does not require as much as they are, do not be lazy! Make every effort to get. I have a principle, if there is one person who could, it was not meant to be an impossible thing again. Do not let the successful people who do not believe in making education more. For our nation's college and more lazy, be thankful. Since we are one of the lucky people who can sense a higher education.
For example: people are college graduates who have extensive knowledge and could face a problem towards the solution as a successful businessman who happens to graduates of the University of Indonesia that could unite bebrapa Bank in Indonesia when the field of financial bankruptcy. By changing some of the structures and working patterns of a company that is experiencing such liquidation.
ConclusionSo the college is very important to increase our knowledge and we think the pattern that will be useful as we enter the world of work. That is one reason why I went to university but I also want to provide the best for my parents.
About Fadli
Nama : Muhammad Fadli
Kelas : 1EA10
NPM : 14211809